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Child-Life: A Treasured Resource to Support Your Child and Children

New Videos for You
When we talk with parents, we often hear that Child-Life is one of the services they value most. Child Life focuses on strategies for helping children cope with serious illness. It is available in the hospital and through many community-based palliative care programs.
Guiding families to take advantage of these essential resources is one of our goals here at Courageous Parents Network.
In that spirit, we have collaborated with Courtney Arsenault, Certified Child Life Specialist at Good Hospice Community Care in Newton, MA, to create these free educational resources to help you better advocate for your child and keep your family strong.
Child Life Videos
Role of Child Life in Supporting Siblings: Helping children find a space to figure out who they are and what it means to be the brother or sister of a sibling who is very sick or has had ongoing medical complications.
The Child Life Specialist as a Resource for Referrals: Identifying opportunities for positive and meaningful experiences.
Advocating in the Community: Helping the family understand the “system” and making connections between all the disparate parts.
Talking to a Child about their Wishes: Talking about “wishes” means talking about dying. Holding hope while helping the child explore and communicate about difficult questions and topics is part of the Child Life professional’s role.
The Child Life resources are located within the CourageousParentsNetwork.org section Finding Support as well as in the Provider section, which includes videos of other clinicians who care for families: chaplain, nurse, social worker, doctor, grief counselor, and genetic counselor.