IN THE ROOM: Transitioning to Adulthood for the Fully-Dependent Child
March 13, 2021 at 8:00 PM ET
Watch an archived recording of this event
Parenting is a lifelong process, and it is particularly so for parents of children diagnosed with a serious illness, where the child’s chronological age may not correspond with their developmental abilities. New challenges arise as the child grows bigger and older. Pediatric healthcare providers may raise concerns about the ability to continue to care for your child and the services provided through the community as well as the education system may end.
Understanding the guardianship role and planning the move to adult providers (including the possibility of out-of-home placement) take time and planning—long before the child is legally considered an adult. Join CPN and our panel of parents who have made this transition with their own child to discuss the joys and frustrations of parenting an adult-child, and what it takes to successfully avoid gaps in care and minimize stress.
Below is an archived video of this event.
Our Panel

Merlie Jackson, mother of Jessie.
Jessie is 29 years old and has Juvenile GM-1

June Ganley, mother of Katie.