IN THE ROOM: What Siblings Want
January 27, 2020 at 8:00 PM ET
Watch an archived recording of this event
A recording of CPN’s In the Zoom Room on what siblings want, featuring four bereaved siblings reflecting on their experiences. Gain insights into the fears and worries that siblings carry, the things that helped them (and those that didn’t), and how loving a brother or sister with a serious illness shaped them.
Our Panel

Dylan Aufman
is the younger brother of Jessica (Sanfilippo Syndrome) was 10 when his sister Jessica passed away.

Grey Chapin
is the little sister of Blair (Sanfilippo Syndrome) who passed away 3 years ago. She is also the founder of the B.L.A.I.R. Connection, a sibling support website.

Lexi Levine
a middle child, has 2 older sisters, Brooke and Kristin, and a younger brother Barry (Jordan's Syndrome). Barry, who lived in a residential home during his later years, died 5 years ago at the age of 16.

Kyla Marquardt
is big sister to William (GM1) and John. William passed away at the age of 8 when Kyla was 12.