About CPN
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The Seed of Courageous Parents Network

Something Broke Inside of Me: What CPN parents have to teach us about courage and resiliency

Who We Are

We look at the challenging topics.

We help parents of seriously ill children understand their emotions and thoughts.

This is my child. This is what we care about. This is what we hope for.

We offer a community of parents who are experiencing similar things.
Can we help you:
From our Blog:
- A Blessing for Courage and an Invitation
- You have already shown just how capable and strong and resilient you are.
- Announcing the 2020 Ilene Beal Courageous Provider Award Recipient
- By Parents For Parents - Why We Do This & What We Love
- Welcome CPN's Blogger in Residence
- Reflections of a Pediatric Palliative Care NP
- A letter from a father, to CPN, about pediatric providers on the occasion of the Courageous Provider Award
- Tis the Season to be what exactly????
- Working at Doing it Better: A Guide for Decision-Making around Spinal Fusion Surgery
- Introducing GUIDED PATHWAYS A self-guided, topic-specific way to navigate CPN
- Giving Language to An Unarticulated Need
- The Year in Review. CPN's Top Videos and Blogs and some numbers. Thank you!
- CPN Out and About: Presenting to Professional Audiences
- We are lights for each other; and the Yankee Magazine article
- Words, Stories and What Courageous Parents have to Say to the Rest of Us.
- Looking Back, 2016 Highlights, Top Videos & Blogs. And Looking Forward to 2017.
- My Sister and My Mom
- A Shared Space, A Shared Endeavor
- The Body and Soul of Care for Our Children
- Running in the Sun for Our Children and Their Children
- E pluribus unum, one out of many - advocating for all.
- Graduations
- Providers focus on the child and family experience.
- Stories Matter and Grief Stories Can Heal
- A Coda to Cameron Week