Advance Care Planning (ACP): What and Who
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The road to DNR: Only when the situation called for it; timing is everything.

"We should talk." Advance Care Planning in Primary Care Pediatrics.

Anticipatory Guidance: Dr. Hauer helped me anticipate how the end might look, coming on slowly.

Some people ask questions. Others don’t.

It's helpful to ask questions about end-of-life. You can never have too much information. It is good to have a plan.

A cardiac heart failure MD: Having goals of care talks at non-crisis times

Creating space to do Advance Care Planning: Name it to Tame It.

I knew I wanted to donate his tumor to research.

I have asked every possible question.

When we can educate families about what to expect, they are less fearful.

Parenting a Medically Complex Child: Palliative Care helped us plan his end-of-life at home

Doctors should know that getting past the fear of it is the biggest step.

Medical Order forms: Do Not Resuscitate, Allow Natural Death