Heart Transplant
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My newborn’s emergency Berlin heart and transplant: It’s not like we had a choice.

In the hospital: I felt like nothing really made me feel better.

One thing after another: every medical issue requires a solution that may cause another problem

Finding most of my support from other cardiac parents who already get it.

Helping parents like us connect with fellow parents helps us feel less isolated.

I want people to understand more about transplants – to believe that anything is possible.

My evolution as a parent: Caring about different things than my peers can make the experience isolating at times

Her medical team knows what we’ve been through and gets it. They become like friends and family.

If we have another child, I think I may have a lot of repeated trauma of dates and times

Tips for providers: assess the scene; don’t just start talking; begin with the child

If we hadn’t gotten married for the right reasons, I think we probably wouldn’t be married right now.

My evolution as a new parent (and heart mom) has been enormous. At some point you have to manage the reality of your life.

A mom on managing anxiety: I have to compartmentalize. It’s hard to be a parent.

Heart Transplant Evaluation: Cardiologist - Families need to understand what life looks like afterwards

Deciding on Heart Transplant: A mom and her son's cardiologist

Heart Transplant: A mom on how it is new territory with new complications and learning.