The Beginning
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The diagnostic odyssey to Tay-Sachs

Marfan Syndrome: He had 26 doctors and specialists and therapists. It was a free-for-all.

Andy, a diagnosis at birth. “I immediately asked, “what is wrong with my son?”

From diagnosis to death: “It was 8 months of an incredible psychological terrain.”

I convinced myself my job was to be competent. I was ‘at the table’ and it was a lot of pressure. It took a toll.

“I internalized that to be competent meant not to cry; You do what you think is needed to get good care for your child.”

Cardiomyopathy: My welcome to motherhood – dreams and hopes shattered.

Cardiomyopathy: A mom on arriving on the cardiac floor and finding community.

Undiagnosed: “28 years and we still don’t know exactly”

Tay-Sachs, Twin fathers and their diagnostic journey with their two children