The Road to Diagnosis
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A traumatic beginning at 26 weeks. Mom: “As long as you're willing to fight, I'm here to fight with you.”

A diagnosis of Krabbe; and the medical team getting to meet him before his condition progressed.

A prenatal diagnosis of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and living into an uncertain prognosis

Sydney has totally changed the way I look at life: there’s gratitude, and also the flip side.

Getting the Diagnosis: How do we deal with this? Can this even happen?

Learning our son had a rare genetic disease: It was a whirlwind.

The diagnosis didn’t change anything. We were still just treating symptoms.

Microcephaly Capillary Malformation Syndrome: 13th diagnosis in the world

Mom’s instinct is right: A diagnosis of Polymicrogyria

The Diagnostic Odyssey: It never occurred to me that it would be fatal.

We felt we better step up and show her that she picked the right parents.

A mom: “No matter how blindsided you feel, you will get through it. You are strong enough.”

The road to diagnosis … Do we wish we had known earlier? (CLN2/Batten)

Docs didn’t look at the Whole Child: It took a year to get the Hurler diagnosis.

Apnea, aspiration: Suddenly learning my baby is having trouble breathing, and we don’t know why

Sanfilippo: The road to diagnosis

So I started questioning …. And it was devastating.