Spirituality and Religion
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Our faith was already there waiting for us, which made a big difference

“I would be lying if I said it didn’t rattle our faith in God . . . I think it’s OK to have Why questions and not have perfect clarity.”

Finding support: “Our faith community really held us up.”

The Role of a Mother’s Faith during her Son’s 14 Years.

David’s reaction to his cancer at 10 when very different than his reaction when he relapsed at 14.

Pediatric cancer: My teenage son was going through spiritual distress; he had questions about his mortality.

Spirituality: It’s about my relationship with God, not religion; and the power of Prayer.

“I really believe my son has an eternal soul.”

My Hindu parents continued to support me in my Christian faith and in my decisions

Faith and prayer helped with the cascade of decisions: trach, bronchoscopy, open heart surgery?

The medical providers were respectful of our faith especially when it guided our decisions.

We let our Pastor know the diagnosis but waited to tell others.

Faith helped me on the day of my son’s diagnosis.

Letting God lead: When something like this happens, you question why me? Why us? I ask “please help guide me, show me what it is you need me to do.”

Mother and Grandmother: How we each thought about prayer.

“She was the closest I’ll ever get to knowing what God is like on this earth because of the way she was.”

For many people it’s a huge crisis of faith.

Three bereaved moms share how they view the spiritual connection between their children.

The church provided emotional support for us, though my relationship with God has been affected.

Chaplain: I ask parents that believe in God, “What do you think God wants for you?”

People say things happen for a reason but I haven’t found the reason yet.

It’s not fair and I’m at that point where I’m not sure I believe.

It wasn't good but we felt that God was going to help us deal with everything.

When you have God on your side, you see everything different.

Oh my gosh, is she going to heaven?

I know we’ll spend eternity in heaven together.

“Can you pray for my family? And can you pray for the nurses?”

God gives me the strength to keep carrying on.

You may not appreciate it now, but when the whole thing happens, there is a plan.

This has given me a lot of hope for humanity.

Chaplain: Spirituality is how we make meaning.

I believe in the power of positive thought.

Don’t talk to me about Karma.

What I’ve learned from this …

Christian music just really helps me to stay balanced. God has a plan.

It really does put your faith to the test … and you find out that it works.

I find my faith in community.

Chaplain: “When this happens to me, to my child, Now What?”
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- What Guides You? And is Your Medical Team Following?
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- My Love Will Follow You There - A Book for End of Life
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- Words, Stories and What Courageous Parents have to Say to the Rest of Us.
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- On Suffering