Fear of Regrets
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An MD on addressing a parent’s fear of making the wrong decision for their child.

Most people adapt: “Parents craft their story whether their baby lives or dies based on who they’ve become after they’ve birthed this child.”

Fear of regret: "I have a lot of compassion for people making these decisions "

The antidote to regret: the mantra – ‘These are loving decisions.’

A physician’s thoughts for a parent who is afraid of making ‘a wrong decision.’

A bereaved mom: “I battled with guilt for a long time. Did we do her a disservice by keeping her on this earth for 5 months? I am learning to relinquish that because we had no clue.”

Regret re decision-making about interventions: “If we as parents center our child’s experience [not our fear of guilt], with every choice, I don’t see how we can go wrong.”

“It was a journey of contradictions.” Regrets and no regrets.

A social worker - To process regret, it can be helpful for families to review the steps and loving conversations that led to decisions.

Photos help remind me that we made the right choice.

I will have peace knowing I’ve done everything as his mom.

Parents worry they’re going to have regrets, but if it’s the right decision …

He gave us the lead on what decisions to make.

Educating parents about the Pros and Cons of the decisions can help with their regrets

Decisions start from Day One.